Monday, November 20, 2023

Fall Photo Weekend - Horseshoe Lake

On the afternoon of November 11th, after we had finished up shooting at Athabasca Falls, we headed over to nearby Horseshoe Lake.  The water was still open, and the light was very soft.  In past years when we visited here, I typically photographed along the west arm of the lake.  Gord, Court and Steve spent a couple of hours in this area this time around.  
Nigel and I took the short walk over the east arm of the lake.  There are some nice cliffs here, and I expected that the reflections would be nice in the soft light.  I had photographed here several times in the past, but not in recent years.
We were not disappointed and found lots of subject matter to point our cameras at.  I set the big camera up four more times, and shot eight more sheets, so it made for a pretty successful day, despite the weather.  It started to snow, moderately heavy at times, but we sill managed to wrap up our shooting.  It was really cool watching the reflection of the snowflakes falling down into the dark water and meeting the actual snowflakes coming down.  A video would have perhaps recorded it but there was no way that a still photograph could.  It was one of those things that is best just experienced and remembered.
By about 3:30 in the afternoon the light falls right off at this time of year, so our shooting for the day was done relatively early.  We headed back in to Jasper and unpacked all of our gear for the evening.  We hung around the hotel visiting and having a few drinks.  Later we walked downtown and went back to the Something Else restaurant.  After another fantastic meal we headed back to the room and continued our visiting.  The others turned in relatively early, but Steve and I stayed up late and continued chatting and joking around.  It was a great visit and one of the things that I really enjoy about this annual weekend trip.  By 1:30 in the morning we figured we'd better turn in or the next day would be a write off.

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