Sunday, January 10, 2021

General Store

Back in November, the Monochrome Guild organized two day trips.  Typically we go on an extended weekend trip, every fall, as a group... usually to the mountains.  This tradition has been ongoing for over 20 years now.  This year, due to Covid, we were unable to organize our annual Fall Photo Weekend.  Instead we went out on two day trips.  To meet the virus protocol we had to drive in separate vehicles, and stay distanced when we were out shooting.  This photograph was taken on the second of those two trips, back in November.  This old boarded up store is in a small town in east central Alberta.  I just recently processed this sheet of film.  It was taken with my Ebony SV45TE view camera and a 90mm lens.  This lens provides a wide perspective, similar to a 30mm lens in 35mm film or full frame digital format.  I shot this on a 4" x 5" sheet of Kodak T-Max 100 and developed in 510 Pyro.    

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