Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Highway Right of Way
Friday, September 25, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Service Station
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Rolex Watches
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
Thomas, beloved son....
Although I was just at the Historic Nordegg Cemetery last weekend, I shot this back in June of this year. This was when my friend Rob traveled out to the cottage to help me finish up the last of the electrical work. We spent several days shooting around Nordegg as well as up along the Icefields Parkway. Shortly after Rob left I ventured over to the Historic Nordegg Cemetery and captured this shot. Thomas, beloved son, passed away at age ten back in 1922. I'm sure it was tragic... it always is when parents outlive their children. No hints as to what happened... It is common for the headstones of young children and infants to include a lamb on top.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Hockey during Covid
Darkroom Purge Begins
Arturo's Snapshots
Friday, September 18, 2020
Margarit's Snapshots
Last weekend when we were out at Nordegg with Arturo and Sharon, Margarit took these digital snapshots. She has a much better eye than she gives herself credit for. While I was slogging around with my big view camera, she used my Nikon digital SLR and took all of these shots.
Weekend Visit
After our day trip spent out with Sharon and Arturo, we all headed back to our cottage for the evening. We had a big barbecue together and sat up visiting and having a few drinks in the evening. The next morning we had yet another leisurely breakfast together. Eventually we set out for the day and went exploring around the Nordegg area. Margarit ended up heading back to the city in the afternoon as she needed to be around to get the girls back to school on Monday. I stayed an extra day, and Sharon and Arturo stayed at their rented cabin as well. On Monday morning Sharon and Arturo checked out of their rented cottage and came over to have coffee with me. Afterwards we headed into town and explored for a couple of hours at the old historic cemetery. That was quite enjoyable and I am always fascinated by the history of the early settlement of the area. Arturo is one of the Guild members that is taking part in the Historic Coal Project that I am involved in. Some of the photographs that we took this weekend will likely end up being part of that project. After we finished up shooting at the cemetery, Sharon and Arturo hit the road for home. I headed back to the cottage to clean up and pack a few things before hitting the road myself at around 5:00. All in all it was a very nice weekend and Margarit and I very much enjoyed spending an extended period of time with Sharon and Arturo. The weather was not fantastic with overcast skies and cool temperatures, but it really didn't rain to speak of, and there was ample opportunity for exploring and photography.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Crescent Falls
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
High Water
I understand that the snowpack in the mountains was above average this year. Coupled with that we had a very wet spring and early summer. It was very muddy and all the creeks and rivers were very high right through until later in July when things finally dried out. As a result, the water lever in Abraham Lake is very high this year. The lakeshore is right up to the road in places and there are locations where entire groves of trees are in standing water. I have never seen the levels so high before. We stopped at one location with Arturo and Sharon and took a few photographs of the lake shore. I was rather disappointed to see that some of the inconsiderate people that have been camping in high numbers this year, left a huge mess. Tent pegs were left pounded in the ground. Boxes and wrappers from camping gear was strewn about. Other garbage was scattered, and there was human waste everywhere. This was not just isolated to the one location that we stopped at. There was evidence of multiple campsites that had been used at different times. This problem was common to all locations throughout the west country this year. Hopefully when the Covid situation improves the number of campers heading out will decline. At the very least this current camping season is winding down and winter will bring some peace and quiet.
Whirlpool Point
After exploring the burn site for a while Arturo, Sharon, Margarit and I headed back to the east. We made a stop at Whirlpool Point. It was cool, overcast and a little breezy, but still reasonable to be out with our cameras. We explored here for a while and photographed the ancient Limber Pines. One of the trees at this location is thought to be one of the oldest trees in Alberta. It can not be accurately dated due to the fact that the center core is dead and rotten. I am always fascinated by these trees and quite enjoyed the time we spent here.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Visitors to Nordegg
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
New One from Red Rock Coulee
Here is a recently processed shot of the concretions at Red Rock Coulee. This one was taken during our recent trip there back in August. I shot this one just after sunset on Kodak T-Max 400 large format film. Development was is X-Tol developer, 1:1 for 11:30 minutes at 20C. The shot was taken with my Ebony SV45TU view camera and a Fujinon-A 240mm lens. This is a slightly longer focal length... in the range of a portrait lens. It was very hot when we were there, with temperatures peaking around +36C. It was also very hazy from the high humidity, and the dust of the harvest that was just getting underway. Normally you can see the Sweetgrass Hills across the border in Montana from this vantage point, and in fact they are faintly visible in the background. But, on this day they were mostly obscured by haze.