Monday, August 24, 2020

Atlas Coal Mine

I shot this image back in July of 2019.  It was while my cousin and her family were visiting from Germany.  I headed down to East Coulee with them and we explored for a couple of days.  Margarit and my girls were unable to join us, for some reason that I can no longer recall.  So it was just me, Roswitha, her husband Gunnar, and their daughters Melanie and Viven.  On one day... a very hot one as I recall, we went over to the Atlas Coal Mine, across the river from my shop, where we were camped.  This image was taken on Fuji Neopan Acros 4" x 5" large format film, with my Ebony SV45TU camera and Rodenstock 90mm lens.  It was processed in Rodinal developer.  This one may actually make the cut for the Historic Coal Project that I am working on with some of my friends from the Monochrome Guild.

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