Sunday, November 26, 2023

Headlight and Fender

I shot this old car last summer, as part of a documentary project that I hope to undertake.  This is a project that involves access to private property, and to gain the trust of those associated with the location.  So far things have kind of stalled, so it remains to be seen if the project can proceed in the spring.  I am confident that it will, but it will take some work.  In the short term I am not able to provide any further detail as to what the project is about, or where it is located.
I took this shot on August 30th at about noon.  It was recorded on Bergger Pancro 400 film, with my Ebony 4" x 5" view camera and a Nikkor 65mm wide angle lens.  No filter was used.  As per my previous posts, I developed this batch of film in Kodak HC-110 Developer and am quite happy with the resulting increase in contrast.  This is quite an improvement over my previous attempts at processing this film.

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