Sunday, November 19, 2023

Fall Photo Weekend - Athabasca Falls

We awoke in Jasper on the morning of November 11th... Remembrance Day.  After having breakfast together in our hotel room, we made some plans for the day.  The forecast for the weekend was not very good, but we had no optioin but to make the best of it.  It was dull and overcast when we set out, and the forecast was calling for snow for most of the day.  But the temperature stayed fairly mild, and stayed around +3 for most of the afternoon.
As it turned out the snow was rather sporadic and came and went during the day.  Later in the afternoon when we headed back into town there was a little accumulation on the highway, but for most of the day the snow was pretty light.  Our first stop was up at Athabasca Falls.  It was surprisingly busy there and quite a few people seemed to have had the same idea.
We spent a couple of hours here photographing mostly below the falls in the Canyon and along the river, but also in a small pothole that was near the trail below the falls.  Unlike on Friday, the big camera made it out of the truck and I set it up four times, and exposed around 8 sheets of film.

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