Sunday, November 8, 2020

Fall Photo Day Trip 2

A short time ago some members of the Monochrome Guild headed out for day trip.  That was intended to keep the tradition of the annual Fall Photo Weekend alive.  We succeeded at that, but it was a rather cold and miserable day to be out.
With the current mild weather some of the retired guys in the group decided to head out for a day trip in the middle of the week.  This was an opportunity for some that couldn't make it out the last time, to get out with the group.  We have done a fall weekend trip for over twenty years now and this year, it was somewhat limited due to the Covid pandemic.  Although I am not yet fully retired I had a few days off and so I organized the trip.  Court, Arturo, Fred and Gord headed out with me.  It was still rather a weird experience as we had to venture out in a parade of five vehicles due to the need to continue to isolate.  
We headed out into the area Northeast of Edmonton.  It was a beautiful day, mostly clear, with mild temperatures.  We explored at an old church, an abandoned baseball diamond, an old farm yard, and couple of small towns.  We intended to photograph St. George's Church in Two Hills County, but when we got there we discovered that the church had been demolished.  I'm glad I had a chance to shoot it a couple of times in the past.

This is a shot of that church that I took with my view camera a few years ago.  There is nothing left of the church as I understand that it was knocked down, burned and buried.  The cemetery is still there, but somehow that is sort of lacking, without the church.  On the way back home into the city I took a bit of a side trip through Vegreville to see if there were any interesting old signs for my ongoing project on Old Neon.  There was a cool theatre in town, but it was too dark to shoot it by the time I got there.  I will return on another day for that one.

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