Monday, March 25, 2019

Interior Almost Done

I spent another weekend up at the cottage working.  I am just about finished now with the interior stuff.  The only thing left of significance, on the interior, is the kitchen cabinets and counter top.  It's nice to get most of this stuff done now, so that when we get into nicer spring and summer weather, I'm not stuck inside working.
I hung the two interior doors, fixed up some casing around them, and put on the door stops.  I also finished up the installation of wood panelling in the basement/crawlspace.
The snow melted a lot over the past week and there is very little left on our property.  I had to do some ditching around our garage in order to get the meltwater to run away.  But spring is in the air...!!
If was very foggy on the drive out on Saturday morning but that burned off by early afternoon and then it remained fairly mild through the rest of the weekend.  There were lots of deer around and I also saw a few of the early migrants returning to our neck of the woods.  I saw several pairs of Canada Geese, a few flocks of Starlings, and two Bald Eagles.
A fairly uneventful weekend otherwise.  Mostly just spent it working, with a little time visiting with a couple of the neighbors

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