Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quick Day Trip

It was a very busy time last weekend.  Being the end of April, it was tax time and I had several returns to prepare.  Between all that I was also in the process of installing a new washer and dryer.  This has become a long drawn out affair due to the backorder of some of the components, and a warranty issue [already!!] with the brand new washer.  Then there were two soccer practices, one for each of my daughters.  One was on Saturday afternoon, and the other on Sunday.  In between all of that I managed to sneak away on Sunday morning for a quick day trip.  My friend Rob and I headed up into Lamont County, once again by way of Elk Island National Park.  We shot an aspen grove in Elk Island and then went on to explore a couple of old farm yards.  We found one that is definitely worth returning to when we have a little more time.  The following images are just color snap shots taken with my digital point and shoot.  I am in the process of developing some of the 4x5 black and white film that I shot on the trip and will post a couple of those when the film is washed and dried.

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