Sunday, April 1, 2018

Nordegg Service

I took this photograph over a year ago.  On November 6th 2016 to be precise... at 2:50 in the afternoon to be even more precise.  It was taken with my Ebony SV45TU 4" x 5" view camera and a Nikon 150mm lens.  This old service station was spared the wrecking ball and is destined to be restored... much like the old Bank of Commerce that I've previously photographed and posted.  I processed this sheet of Ilford FP4 film in Perceptol some weeks ago and have just now got around to sharing it.  My photography has been put on the backburner in recent months.  Partly because I am so busy with the construction of my cottage... among other things...  And, partially because the weather this winter and spring has been so awful.  I saw on the government highway camera that the morning low temperature out at Nordegg was -27C, a couple days ago.  Today, Easter Sunday and April Fool's Day, here in the city, it was around -15C when the sun rose, and only got up to about -4C during the day.  And, we have not experienced much in the way of snow melt yet, and there is still lots of the white stuff laying around.  A late spring to say the least... !

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