Monday, June 4, 2012

Dad and Kids Weekend 2012

This one was a little better attended that others in recent years.  I was there with all three of the girls.  My brother-in-law Shawn was there with his two kids, my friend and business partner Frank was there from Drumheller with his daughter and her friend.  And my employee John from Mac Plastics made it out for part of the weekend with his three kids.  Most of us headed out on Friday right after work.  As in past years we camped at the TL Bar Ranch, along the Red Deer River.  I arrived at about 8:30PM and Frank and Shawn were already there setting up.  We got a fire going and enjoyed the evening.  When we finally gave up and succumbed to the beer by a little after midnight, we all just bailed out to our trailers and tent.  In the middle of the night the horses all wandered into our campsite and made short work of all the peanuts, marshmallows, hot dog buns and potato chips that we had carelessly left out on the picnic table.
The next morning, we shook off the cobwebs and got breakfast going for the kids.  As we were sitting around outside, Annelise noticed a white gopher out in the pasture.  None of the other guys were around when we initially saw it and of course were convinced that it was some sort of beer induced hallucination.  But, I actually managed to get a couple of pictures of it, and then later in the weekend the others saw it too.  I'm not convinced that it was an albino, as the eyes look rather dark in color...??  But it is definitely a gopher [Richardsons Ground Squirrel] and it is most definitely white.

It was overcast, breezy and very humid all day, but quite warm.  Later that afternoon, John arrived with his kids and the two boys instantly headed for the river to do some fishing.  A little later the rest of us went out for a trail ride.  We were late getting started, as the ranch was running behind with the groups ahead of us.  Eventually, as we all got saddled up and ready to go, it started raining.  Initially it was just spitting, but by the time we got a couple miles back into the hills, it was raining fairly hard.  By the time we got back to the barn, everyone was soaked, but still in good spirits after an enjoyable ride.  As we walked the half mile back over to where our trailers were set up it was beginning to clear in the west and we could see that in a short time the weather would improve.
We got back to the campsite around 5:30 and decided that we would wait for a little while before rustling up the evening meal.  Then, just to keep us on our toes, mother nature gave us one last blast of spring squall.  A front blew through and it got very windy.  We were pelted with a brief by rather heavy shower.  Shawn collapsed his tent so that the wind would not destroy it, as had happened to him on a camping trip a couple of years prior.  But, he wasn't careful enough keeping it covered up when he let it down, and a lot of rain got into the tent.  All of his sleeping bags got soaked, and he became very annoyed and frustrated.  The rest of us tried to calm him down and offered to make room in our trailers, and find some space to dry things off.  But, by this time he was too angry, and just threw his stuff in his vehicle and headed for home, leaving his tent in a pile on the ground.  It seems as though it is becoming a tradition for someone to have a melt down at these trips every year.  Last year it was John's turn and this time around it was Shawn.  I wonder who's number will get drawn next year.  Sure adds to the entertainment value for the rest of us!!!
Sunday dawned clear and sunny and we went from being wet, to getting sunburnt.  Only a few cobwebs again this morning, as no one over indulged... at least not too much.  We did keep all the kids up until after midnight... again... so we all slept in a little the next morning... except those over zealous fishermen!! Some of us went out for another trail ride, while Frank went for a hike in the hills, and the boys kept fishing.  All in all a very enjoyable day and a fitting end to a great weekend.  Somehow, even though I never really fished, and my girls didn't catch anything in the few minutes that we tried, I ended up with all the fish in my fridge.  I think that between them the boys must have caught about 15 goldeye.  I'm grateful that Sabrina's friend Dakota cleaned them all, but now I need to deal with them.  I guess I need to find some time to get them into my smoker this week.
Here are a few snapshots from our Sunday trail ride.  I was thrilled that little Helena was willing to try riding this year and went out both days, for an hour each time, in a buddy saddle.  The trail guide Marissa was really good with her and Helena just loved it.  I know that I now have a third horse-crazy girl on my hands.  One of the snapshots below is an overview of the river valley from high up on top of the bench.  Our trailers are visible as little white spots down in the pasture below.

Next year we'll do it all over again!!!  This has now become an annual tradition, and I think that this must have been the fourth or fifth year in a row.  We don't always get a big crowd, and don't always get out on the same weekend every year, but Frank and I haven't missed on yet.

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