Friday, October 11, 2019

Peeling Logs

A couple of weeks ago I collected some spruce logs around my property.  Mostly these were from small trees that had blown down during some storms in the spring.  I plan on using these to make a bunkbed for the girls bedroom.  These logs have been riding around in the back of my truck out for a couple of weeks now.  Last weekend, when I was out at the cottage, I peeled them all.  I used the sawbuck that I previously made for cutting firewood.  My small hatchet chopped off all the branches and then I used a drawknife to peel the bark.  It peeled fairly easily as most of the logs were still fairly green and wet.  It was a beautiful fall afternoon and the temperature got up to about +18C.  Now I have to season these logs for a while and let them dry out, before I can start cutting and notching them to make bed posts.  Yet another project to add to my list...!

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