Monday, August 17, 2015

Another August Day Trip

Back in May I pledged to myself and to my family that I would slow down a little and start to relax.  I hired a part time office assistant and decided that I would take every other Friday off.  That plan worked pretty well through May and June, but in July it fell apart.  Partially due to our ongoing kitchen renovation, and partially due to some staff holidays at the shop.  Now that we are well into August I promised myself and my family that I would revert back to the original plan.  It didn't work out to take Friday off... but I took Monday instead.
Today, while the girls got together with some friends I hit the road with my camera.  The skies were clear, and the light was rather flat in the morning.  So I did a few odds and ends around the house and headed out around noon.  By this time the clouds were starting to build and the skies became a lot more interesting.  I headed up to the northeast and set about exploring.  It is rather remarkable that the crops that were devastated by the drought that we suffered through May, June and July have rebounded as well as they have.  This will not be anywhere near a bumper crop by any stretch of the imagination.  The recent rains through the end of July and into the first half of August have improved the situation considerably.  I set up the big view camera twice, to photograph two old buildings set against a foreground of ripening grain fields.  It felt great to not even think about work and just relax and explore.....  More of this to come....!!


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