Friday, May 22, 2015


While we were at Red Rock Coulee on the long weekend, the girls found a juvenile Nuttall's Cottontail.  At least they told me they found it.... though perhaps it was more of a capture.  In any event, when I returned to the trailer after an afternoon of making photographs, they had the little guy in the trailer.  Of course they wanted to keep it, and take it home as a pet.  I convinced them that it was a wild animal, and it belonged here.  They ended up keeping it in the trailer overnight and all mooned over it; holding it, feeding it and petting it.  The next morning they worked on me again, trying to convince me to let them keep the little guy.  But, I insisted that we were not permitted to remove anything from the natural area, and that the best thing they could do was return him to the spot that they had found him.  It was with long faces and a lot of tears and sad good byes that the little bunny was placed back under the rock where he had first been located.....

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