Wednesday, March 4, 2015

No Photography Lately....

We've had some issues at home with our plumbing.  We continue to have ongoing issues with blockage of the sewer lines in our house.  We have had the lines augered a number of times, but the problem keeps re-occurring.  I believe that the issue is with the fact that we have a long horizontal run in the line that goes beneath our basement floor.  This combined with the age of our house seems to have resulted in a buildup.  I am presently in the process of tidying up the mess that is my workroom, so that we can get to some of the cleanouts on this line.  Then we can get it properly checked and cleaned out.  In the meantime, we are reluctant to use our downstairs bathroom, our upstairs ensuite, or the darkroom, as they all tie in to this line.  So there has been no darkroom work in the past little while.  I have tried to focus my attention to the tidying and clean up that has become both necessary and  inevitable. But, I have accumulated years worth of junk and the purge will not only be significant, but time consuming as well.  The upside to all of this is that not only will we be able to get our plumbing issues resolved once and for all... But also, when I am finished I will finally have space available to set up the big 8x10 enlarger that I bought several years ago, and is still sitting in temporary storage.
 In between all that I have been working on putting together some submission packages that I am sending out to various galleries across Western Canada.  So far I have sent out about 20 packages, and have about 20 more to go.  There are numerous public galleries that are accepting exhibition proposals, but most are for the 2016 and 2017 exhibition seasons.  I got a little lazy and pre-occupied last year and didn't send anything out, and as a result I don't have any shows booked in 2015,  But, I'm hopeful that all this work will pay some dividends and that our Procession West exhibition can be shown again... hopefully several times.

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