Thursday, March 2, 2023

Eight and a Half

Hank is now 8-1/2 months old... and we've had him as part of our family for about 6-1/2 months.  He is certainly developing his own personality.  Most of the time he is full of energy, and wants to play.  He destroys every toy that we give him, and some don't last more than a day or two.  In the mornings he tends to be quite drowsy and will actually lie still.  The rest of the time he is on the go.  The other day he got into something that made all the fur on top of his head all crusty.  We washed his head in the kitchen sink and he was not very impressed.  He is not impressed in general with baths.  He still does not come when you call him... unless there is food.  And he does not like to be covered with anything.  But he is full of energy, and lots of fun...

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