Thursday, October 17, 2019


It was a pretty quiet and laid back Thanksgiving weekend out at the cottage.  Margarit and the three girls went out on Friday evening.  I was too tired after the work week to drive into the dark so I stayed home on Friday and headed out early Saturday morning.  I picked up my Mom and brought her along for the weekend.
There was still some snow on the ground when we arrived, but most of what fell a week ago has now melted.  We made our Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday and had roast turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes and vegetables.  Now that Anna and Helena have become vegetarians, we had to also have a few extra side dishes.
We took a couple of walks around the neighborhood and the girls rode around a bit on the ATV.  I did a few chores around the cottage including assembling a coffee table that I made and putting away a bunch of tools and supplies.  The wind blew a spruce down in the back of our property and I cut that up and salvaged a couple of logs.  I peeled these so that I can use them on the bunk bed I intend to build later this fall.
I checked my Radon gas detector and the long term average seems to be settling down at a safe level.  There was a short period of time earlier in the summer when the levels exceeded the safe limit, but it is the long term average that we are supposed to be concerned about.  That is now at 165.... and has been recording since the August long weekend.
Helena was outside playing in the snow and made some little snow people... and named two of them Phillip and Gloria.  They didn't last very long as the temperature was well above freezing on both Saturday and Sunday afternoon.  On Sunday evening Margarit, Hailey and Helena went back home to the city as Hailey had a work shift scheduled on Monday.  Anna and I stayed on Sunday night with my Mom.
It rained for a while on Sunday evening, eventually turning to snow, but didn't amount to a lot.  We packed up and headed for home on Monday in the early afternoon.  We saw a small herd of wild horses, and a cow moose with a calf on the way home.

1 comment:

Off the Beaten Path - with Chris & Connie said...

I am loving that coffee table. Good job! Nice and sturdy to hold lots of beers.