Thursday, October 10, 2019

Exploring Backroads

After shooting the aspen grove near Saunders I headed to the north on a logging road.  This road leaves the David Thompson highway between Saunders and Nordegg and heads to the north on the back side of Coliseum Mountain and Baldy Peak.  I followed the road for about 15km before eventually turning around and heading back home.  There is a complex not far down the road that seems rather out of place and unusual.  It was occupied, so I did not drive in but it is perhaps the old young offenders camp that once used to operate out here.  Now it seems to be privately owned.
The area has been heavily logged with some older cutblocks and some very recent ones.  I got as far a bridge over a small river.  I'm not sure if this was the Nordegg river or perhaps one of its' tributaries.  A very nice area and well worth returning to at some point in the future.  For now I just took a few snapshots, included below....

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