Saturday, September 24, 2016

Snapshots from Assiniboine

I didn't take a digital camera along with me on our recent trip to Mt. Assiniboine.  All the images in my previous blog posts were just taken with my iPhone.  Due to weight restrictions on the helicopter flight in and out of the lodge I was only able to take my 4x5 view camera with limited lenses and accessories, and some clothes.  Margarit brought along her older Nikon D80.  She took a bunch of photographs during the trip.  While we were in the helicopter, as I had a window seat, I took a few of the aerial shots.  Since we returned home last Sunday night I have made that dreaded return to work, and nearly a week has passed.  I did manage to get into the darkroom once and began the task of processing the negatives that I exposed during the trip.  In no particular order here are a bunch of the digital images from the trip....

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