Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Utah Trip... Second Day of Driving

On Saturday April 19th we woke up in Butte, Montana, packed up our stuff from our hotel room, and hit the road for Utah.  It was a long and uneventful drive.  The wind had finally died down and weather conditions had generally improved.  We headed south over the continental divide for the second and third time and made our way out of Montana and into Idaho.  After passing through 200 miles of Idaho potato fields we eventually made our way into Utah.  The house that we had rented is called Red Ledges Roost and it is in Kanab, Utah.  Kanab is just a couple of miles north of the Arizona border way down in southwestern Utah.  So we had another 400 miles for driving before we finally arrived at our destination in the evening.  We rolled in to Kanab, stopped at a restaurant for something to eat, and then headed over to the house.  This was the same home that I rented back in October when I travelled down to the same area with my friends Rob and Brad.  We pulled in, unpacked some of our stuff, and basically turned in for the night.  The next morning was going to be pretty exciting as a visit by the Easter Bunny was eagerly anticipated, and we would have our first chance to get out and do some exploring.  Margarit had been dreading the two-day ordeal of this drive for weeks but as it turned out it went pretty well.  There was a certain amount of squabbling between the girls and the drive was certainly tedious and boring.  But all things considered, they did remarkably well...

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