Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Back Home....

There has been a bit of a lapse in postings to my blog over the last little while.  I left Edmonton on Good Friday with my wife and three daughters.  We left during a snow storm on Friday morning and drove for two days down to Kanab, Utah.  We rented a house in Kanab called the Red Ledges Roost.  It is a wonderful place right at the edge of town, really close to everything.  My daughters were thrilled that the Easter Bunny was able to find them, even though we weren't at home.  We spent seven days exploring in the area, and then two days driving back home.  We just arrived home last night, and I am back to work this morning.  We ended up putting around 6000km on my truck over 11 days, so there was a lot of driving.  The three girls did pretty well with all the hours spent in the back seat.  I will be posting some photos and a more detailed explanation of the events of our trip over the coming days.

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