Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The New Trailer

When we bought our new trailer back in January, we booked April 10th as the pick up date.  We thought that it might be starting to warm up by then, and that there might be an opportunity to get out for an early camping trip.  Boy were we mistaken...!!!  The spring weather this year has been just awful.  We're going to have to park the new trailer in a snow drift somewhere and wait for a while longer before we can get out to do any camping.
We've been on quite the spending spree these past few months.  First we bought the new trailer, then we got all the home renovations done.  Now we're pretty much broke and it is time to just enjoy what we have.  But I sure can't wait till that first camping weekend.  Sure is a lot of snow left to melt before that becomes a reality.

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