Over two months ago, before I broke my leg, I started work on another watercolor painting. I always work on these painting out at the cottage in Nordegg, and keep all my supplies out there. I only got so far as selecting one of my photographs, and beginning to sketch it out.
I have decided that I will do some paintings of old hotels, from my travels with the Beer Parlour Project. The first was a painting of the Victoria Hotel in Bruderheim. The second one, that I just started on, is of the Elk River Inn in Hosmer. Sadly, the owner of this hotel passed away about a year ago, and it has been closed.
I took some artistic license and excluded the concrete barricade and the vehicles out front. When I recently returned to the cottage, I continued work on this piece. I got most of the painting part down before I had to pack up and head back to the city. The next time I go out to the cottage I will continue working on it. There is a little paint remaining to be added and then I will turn to graphite and ink to finish detailing the piece.
When I returned to the cottage at the end of February, the first few days were very busy. Margarit, Helena and Hank came out for a bit. We were thrilled to have Helena finally agree to come out again, as it has been about a year since she last visited. Shortly after the girls arrived, our friends Frank and Chris from Drumheller joined us. We had a great visit and enjoyed some time together. Frank has been out to Nordegg at least once before, but this was Chris' first visit to our cottage.
Margarit and Helena headed back to the city after a couple of days. Frank and Chris stayed an extra day or two. They headed back to Drumheller, the day after the big dump of snow. I remained at the cottage for a few extra days, by myself. I worked on some files on the computer, and generally took it easy. I still have to be careful with my broken leg and rest it as it continues to heal. Eventually I returned to my painting of the Elk River Inn.
I'm not sure if "painting" or "watercolor" is really the right description. In somes ways it is really just a colored sketch. The general colors are laid down first with watercolor paint, and then all the details are added afterwards with a combination of ink and graphite. I won't finish this one for a little longer, as there is more work that remains to be done. I managed to get most of the detailing done, but the remainder will have to be left for the next time I come back out to the cottage. I'm already thinking about the next hotel that I will work on.
I had a change of heart and decided to finish this one up before I left the cottage to return to the city. The next time I come out to Nordegg I'll be able to start on a fresh piece. The watercolor paper had a slight curl to it when I took this phone snapshot, so there is a little bit of distortion in the image. Of course if it is framed or scanned that problem will be eliminated. I've shared these with my colleagues from the Beer Parlour Project and they think that I should include at least some of them on the website. I think I'll be OK with doing that, but want to wait until I build up a little more of a portfolio.