Monday, October 25, 2010

Largest Ammonite...??

Palcoprep just delivered the second Ammonite Cast to Sparwood, British Columbia.  This cast, fabricated by Palcoprep, was donated by Teck Coal to the Sparwood and District Chamber of Commerce.  It is now on display in their Information Center.  Everyone seems pretty excited about this.  While he was there delivering the cast my business partner Frank checked out an even larger Ammonite.  This one was found, in the side of a mountain, over 60 years ago.  It is even larger than the one found in their mine by Teck Coal.  This one will not be scientifically recognized unless it is collected and turned over to a museum or similar institution.  It is slowly weathering away and being vandalized.  Palcoprep wants to make a proposal to collect it.  This will involve cutting it out of the rock face that it is in, and transporting it to a museum or institution.  Frank hiked up to it to get some idea of the remoteness of the location, and the logistics involved to get it out.  We intend to put together a proposal to collect it, and then see if there is any interest and funding to move forward.  This fossil, if not missing a section on one side, would be nearly 2.0 meters [6'-7"] in diameter.  The present record holder is the Ammonite that we just constructed the cast of, which is approx. 1.5 meters [4'-11"] in diameter.  We are presently evaluating the whole project and will work towards presenting it to the Government of British Columbia, as well as local interest groups in the Elk Valley.


  1. Very amazing fossil discovery. I hope you're able to excavate it!

  2. Leave it where it is. It's a fantastic natural element and getting the vague directions from locals makes stumbling upon it all the more exciting. I hope it stays in it's resting place.
