Monday, October 4, 2010

Rob and Jon... just like old times!

My friend Jon and I went out for a day trip on Sunday.  Jon and I have known each other for over 15 years and have been photographing together for that entire time.  We've explored many a mountain stream, abandoned farmyard, badlands vista, not to mention more than a few small town "beer parlors".  We just haven't been able to get out together much the last year or so.  This past Sunday we made a point of it.  It was a warm beautiful fall day with just a light breeze.  The temperature must have got up to around 20C.  We left the city at 9:00AM and headed east.  We took our usual side trip through Elk Island National Park and then set off exploring our old stomping grounds, the backroads of Lamont County and Two Hills County.  This area is very rich with old homesteads, churches, stores and schoolhouses, not to mention a fair bit of wildlife.  We saw a large herd of Plains Bison in Elk Island National Park in the morning.  As we continued our travels we saw several coyotes, a covey of Hungarian Partridges, lots of Canada Geese, one high-flying flock of Snow Geese, a couple Swans and on several occasions we saw and heard flocks of Sandhill Cranes circling on the thermals.  The harvest was in full swing and the grain fields were ripening and being swathed everywhere.  The light gets lower at this time of year and that fall "warmth" was apparent.  We spent the entire day exploring and I came home with a couple of good images.  I've attached a few color shots for now, but will post some of the Black and White work as I get around to processing the film.

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