Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Forest Edge

This image is both recently developed, and recently taken.  This is yet another one from the recent batch of Ilford HP5 developed in 510 Pyro.
My long time friend Rob recently decided to retire from large format photography.  He asked me to buy all his gear from him, at a discounted price, and then resell as much of it as I chose to, to recoup my investment.  His camera is an Ebony SV45TE, just like one of mine.  The only difference is that mine is the ebony wood version, and his appears to be mahogany.  I decided to keep the camera and leave it permanently out at Nordegg.  This saves me having to drag gear back and forth every time I go out there.  I sold most of the rest of his gear and recouped a good portion of my investment.
Rob has created many spectacular images with this camera.  This is one of the first ones that I took with it.  I hope it has more good work remaining in it.
This is the edge of the forest along the Forestry Trunk Road, not far from my cottage in Nordegg.  I shot this on July 31st at about 4:30 in the afternoon with Rob's Ebony 4x5 view camera and a long 300mm lens.  A #25 Red filter increased contrast, and allowed the background forest values to drop off.  I'm generally happy with this one, and seem drawn to compositions like this.....

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