Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Fawns are Out

There are about a dozen White Tail Deer that hang around our property.  They are more common in winter, and get a little dispersed over the summer months.  There are two large bucks with big antlers, as well as two or three younger bucks with much smaller racks.  There are about five does, and a few yearlings that hang around with them.  All of the does appeared to be pregnant this spring.  They usually drop their fawns around June but initially are very protective, and keep them very well hidden.  Until my most recent visit out to Nordegg, I hadn't yet seen any of the fawns this year.  When I came out on July 26th I saw one spotted fawn, already fairly large, back in the yard with his mama.  When I pulled the memory card from my trail camera, I found a few more shots of them wandering around.
I still have the date and time messed up on my camera and although these images are tagged with a 2015 date,they were all taken in the past few weeks.  I think I have this resolved now so going forward, any new images should have correct information.
I also got a shot on the trail camera of our resident Red Fox......
It has remained quite smoky all over the province through most of July, and this was evident in most of the images on the trail camera.  Hopefully the current rain helps to clear the skies and maybe dampen the fires in northern Alberta and British Columbia.

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