Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Dead and Alive

This is another shot from the recently processed batch of Ilford FP4 sheet film, given plus development in Kodak HC-110 Developer.  Development was at Dilution B, for 14:20 minutes.  This yields a significant increase in contrast, particularly for a subject such as this, that was in relatively flat light.  I took this shot way back on September 8th 2021, at around 11:30 in the morning.  I shot it with my Ebony 4x5 view camera and a very long Nikkor 500mm telephoto lens.  This allowed me to get in very tight on the trunks of the trees.  I used a #8 Yellow filter to lighten the value of the foliage.  The exposure was F20.0 for 1/4 second.

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