Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Kodak 100 T-Max in 510 Pyro

Back on April 30th I wrote a blog post called "Development Test - Pictorial Negatives - 510 Pyro".  This post described the process of mixing up this developer formula and processing some test shots in it.  The Developer is made up by combining 5 grams of ascorbic acid, with 10 grams of pyrogallol, and 0.25 grams of phenidone, in a base of 100ml of Triethanolamine.  This concentrate is then diluted 1:100 with water to make a working solution.  The lab tests that I originally conducted provided me with a starting point for exposure and processing time.  I refined that a little by shooting a few test shots, which I processed and posted back at the end of April.  Since that time I have been accumulating a bunch more negatives, which I recently processed.  I really like the look of these negatives and this developer gives Kodak 100 T-Max a snap that I wasn't quite able to acheive with any other developer.  It appears as though some of the bright highlights are a little blocked up and blown out.  I think I will further refine this by reducing exposure a little, and adjusting development time slightly to compensate for it.
This batch included a few shots from the spring trip to Utah, as well as a few taken this past weekend down in the badlands.  The rest were all taken over the summer of 2014, including the one mushroom shot, which was taken by my daughter Hailey.  These were all taken under a range of different lighting conditions, at different times of day and different times of year, with a number of different contrast filters.  The earlier test shots were all taken in flat winter light and were helpful in getting a feel for where I need to be.  This latest batch continues that process.  Overall I am quite pleased with these images and will continue to fine tune and refine my work with this film.

1 comment:

Chris BIGDoer Doering said...

Every single one of these photos is amazing. Inspired work! Love the piano especially.