Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fall Arrives

Last weekend I planned on hitching up the trailer and heading out camping somewhere.  Hailey was going to come with me.  I even bailed out of my hockey game and had a spare lined up to play in my spot.   But the forecast was so lousy and I still wasn't feeling great from with the dregs of this cold I've been fighting.  So at the last minute I cancelled and decided to stay home.  I let the spare that I had lined up, play for me in the hocky game, and the Renegades ended up defeating the Lions by a score of 5-2.  I worked on a bunch of stuff around home... including some processing in the darkroom.  On Sunday, when conditions improved a little, I went out for a short drive.  By mid afternoon the skies had cleared and the sun came out, but it was still very cool and windy.  I drove around for quite a while, and managed a few snapshots with my digital camera, but the big camera never made it out of the truck.  Interestingly I came upon a pair of young coyotes at exactly the same spot in Elk Island Park where I had seen one a week or so previously.  These guys were really tame, and were trotting down the middle of the road, not really paying much attention to the cars that stopped to photograph them.  I also made a brief stop at the Orthodox church near Mundare.  This one is in dire need of some restorations, and the congregation is trying to raise some money.  It's not quite as photogenic as it once was now that most of the windows are boarded up...

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