Friday, March 29, 2013

Day Trips

Last weekend I went out for a day trip, hoping to make some photographs with my view camera.  It had been quite some time since I had been able to get out.  This time around I took all three girls along with me, more to give their Mom a break than anything,  I spent most of the day acting as a referee and not much time making photographs, though I did manage a couple of setups in Elk Island National Park.
Then today, Good Friday, I went out again... this time by myself.  I headed off southwest of the city and ended up around Battle Lake.  I was very uninspired.  It wasn't really winter as the snow was significantly melted and had that old dirty look.... But it wasn't really spring yet either.  It was very muddy but there was no water flowing yet and everything was kind of stuck at that ugly in between stage.  I did take a couple of shots... one of some aspen trunks out near Battle Lake and the second of the remains of the Sparling School south of Calmar.  I have photographed this old school house a number of times in the past and in recent years it has begun to collapse.  I think it is not much longer for this world, and was worthy of documentation.

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