Saturday, March 23, 2013

Printing Complete

Last night after work I took Annelise to her dance class.  When we returned home, I hit the darkroom anxious to get back to my printing.  I managed to print the last two images for the Procession West exhibition.  As I have done all along, I made multiple copies of both images.  There is almost always some minor damage incurred to the prints during all the handling of fixing, bleaching, clearing, toning, washing, drying, flattening, mounting and matting.  It is a lot cheaper to just have back up copies available, rather than to have to return to the darkroom, set up, and try to make a replacement.  Furthermore, the Procession West project will initially include two shows... the larger 36 piece show being shipped to Regina, and the condensed 22 piece show to be delivered to McMullen.  Some prints will be included in both shows, and as the dates overlap, this will require duplicate framed pieces.  If any prints sell at these shows, then I will have backup copies available for sale.  Today I am working on getting these last two images bleached, toned and into the wash.  Once they are finished and have been dried, I can turn my attention to the mounting, matting and presentation...

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