This is another image I am working on for inclusion in the Photo Album I intend to have printed. These will be images from my three trips to Utah. This is Image Number 11, on a long list of close to 200 images that will be considered.
My friends Rob and Brad traveled with me to Utah in 2013 and again in 2015. We stayed in a rental house in Kanab, and each time spent a week exploring the area. We used the same rental as a base for both trips. In between, in the spring of 2014, I took Margarit and the girls to the area, and at that time we also used the same home as a base.
This photograph was taken on the second day trip of our first stay in Utah. Rob and Brad and I set out to the east of Kanab and eventually turned off onto the House Rock Valley Road. This road travels south and eventually crosses the border into Arizona. The Coyote Buttes, the Wave and the White Pocket are all accessed off of this road. This area is known as the Paria Plateau. I believe that this particular location is within the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument.
This corral was made with juniper trunks, as that is pretty much the only wood to be found in the area. I'm not sure if it was used for cattle or horses. I seem to recall that the Parks staff may have used this for their horses, but it was so long ago that I visited, that I can no longer be sure.
I shot this image on Kodak Tri-X Pan 320, rated at 320 iso. Development was Normal, in PMK for 9:35 minutes. I shot this with my Ebony SV45TE 4" x 5" view camera and a Fujinon 125mm lens. A #25 Red filter creates some separation in the sky, and increased contrast. The exposure was for 1/8 of a second at F22.0. The photograph was taken on October 15th 2013, at about 10:30 in the morning.