Saturday, November 6, 2021


Halloween dawned even colder than the morning before.  It was -15C just as the sun was coming up.  Shawn and I would spend one more day working in the guest cottage.  We got all of the vapor barrier installed to the vaulted ceiling, and to the bedrooms.  We got some of the vapor barrier installed on the walls.  We couldn't finish the walls as there are a number of places that I still need to cut through for exterior electrical outlights, exterior lights, and vents.  This work has to wait until the siding is installed.
There were a bunch of deer hanging around the cottage during the day... and I'm sure during the night too.  Now that it has become colder, and there isn't as much for them to eat, they are looking to get fed.
We knew that there would be at least a few kids coming around trick-or-treating, so I was prepared with some Halloween candy.  We had a total of 22 little ghosts and goblins come around looking for treats.  It was kind of fun to see all the little kids, and to spend Halloween out in the mountains.  This was the first time that I had done that.
Margarit sent me some snapshots of the Jack-O-lanterns that the girls carved back in the city.  It was warmer and busier in the city, and Margarit said she had almost 60 kids come around looking for treats.

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