Friday, December 8, 2023


This is a shot from my recent trip out to Vancouver Island with my friends Arturo and Chris.  This wildly eroded sandstone is on Hornby Island.  This is one of the smaller gulf islands, off the east coast of the larger Vancouver Island.  It is accessible by ferry... first to Denman Island, then a drive across Denman followed by a second ferry to Hornby Island.  There are hundreds of full time residents on both islands.  I would find it a very difficult place to reside as your life is totally dictated by the ferry schedules.  The first ferry of the day is around 7:00AM and the last one around 8:00PM... at least at this time of year.  And they only run every 90 minutes or so.  
This shot was taken on Ilford FP4+ 4" x 5" sheet film, which I gave plus development in Kodak HC-110 developer.  This was Dilution B, for 14:20 minutes at 20 degrees C.  I took the shot on October 22nd, at about 10:30 in the morning.  I used my Ebony 4x5 view camera and a Fujnon 250mm lens.  A red filter was used to deepen the shadows and increase contrast.  The extra development increased this even further.  Arturo and Chris were in awe seeing this place for the first time.  I had shot here back in 2019, but still find the area spectacular.

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