Friday, May 24, 2019

The Elk are around

There is a small herd of elk that hang around the subdivision out in Nordegg, but you almost never see them.  One evening back in February I saw a herd of about a dozen of them, in the ditch at the front of my property.  They were mostly cows and calves but there was at least one young bull, with a small rack, among them.  Later that evening I heard something crashing around in the bush at the back of my property. At that point it was pitch dark and I couldn't see anything.  A couple of times over the winter I captured images of them on my game camera.  
Last time I was out I went to change the memory card on my camera and found that the batteries had died.  There was a stretch of two or three weeks where it missed capturing any activity.  I put fresh batteries in back in early May, and then checked the camera when I was out there on the May Long Weekend.
I thought that the elk headed for the high country once spring arrived and snow disappeared.  It gets so much busier out in the subdivision once the weather warms up and everyone starts coming back out to their cottages.  I thought this would have pushed them away too, as elk are always very shy and skittish.  But I was surprised when I checked my camera and found that the elk herd is still hanging around.  I got a number of images of them hanging around at the back of my property... including these two.

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